Believe it or not, I always suspected you were..... So many times I posted jokes you flat out did not get. I was guessing You have Asperger's. Not as hard core as what I'm used to, but I dunno, I kinda wondered.
Do things like sarcasm and body language throw you off?
Nazis..... Let's flash forwards to the 1990's... My son's friend? His second grade teacher pretty much stuck the poor guy in a closet during class. Didn't find this out til months into the school year.
Know what happened to her for doing that? Nothing. She didn't even lose her job. If she was a cop and he was an inmate, she'd go down for all sorts of crimes, but being a public school in Texas? Since no sex is involved, then no crime occurred.
The Autism spectrum... like I said I actually DO know a bit on this subject. Obviously not as much as you, but I know enough to form the opinions I have.
The "spectrum" I think enables all those misdiagnosed cases like I've been ranting about. I really do think that they (schools mostly) try to cram anything they can't agree with (like a poor performing student that could effect the school's ratings - bonuses - on standard tests) under the autism umbrella.
Not only is that stupid, it's not fair to folks like you.
Anyways... the movie... I'm just not that inclined to blame the mushroom cloud of Autistic cases on vaccines. Or at least vaccines alone. It did make me wonder about other things though. LEAD. Yes Lead. In the 1990's all lead was phased out in paints, gasoline and a whole lot of other products. The spin off from this also created newer process and different compounds in plastics. The sad thing is, a lot of the stuff they replaced the lead with is worse for you than the lead was. Especially paints. Looking at events like Flint, Michigan where the water ran through those old lead pipes are causing problems makes me what sorts of problems are the lead substitutes causing? No not in newer water pipes. No. From things like Polyethylene and other assorted monomers and phenolics developed from the newer compounds created from chemicals designed to replace lead. Does that make sense? I think there's enough variety of these products to cut down on the general chances of negative effects per individual, yet are slung out all over the planet to insure some sort of adverse effects.
Sorry about going off on you, but have any idea how many self righteous morons talk about this subject to me? How many people I've run across that supposedly have an autistic kid. A kid that really wasn't, but now so hopped up on some sort of doctor drugs it doesn't matter anyways.
"Spare the rod, spoil the child" Most people think that verse means it's OK to beat your kid. It doesn't. It means to instill a sense of disciple. It means to take a big part in your child's development and growth. These people have been sparing the rod by basically passing those responsibilities to outside sources. So now we have "qualified" school nurses writing scripts for medicine to shut up some class clown, and the parents don't even question it - if they even know. Some of these parents don't even know which hand their kid writes with. Who in their right mind gave school nurses the right to make such in depth medical decisions? And notice when that started in the USofA.
Most of the time when you take swipes at me, I take in stride and just let it go - or have fun with it . This time? You kinda hit a nerve. Oh well. No harm - no foul. keep the rubber side down.
And I'll look up Neural tribes.
Word of mouth..... I can tell you a few big names and a few more up and comers in the gaming industry are finding out about you and your little game - sans steam.
Yeah. I don't really know who any of these people are as they are my son's people, but I do know they've been turned on to LFS.
Ever had any experience with venture capitalists?
oops. Sorry.... You type white....
Forbin.... Forbin is a master of cut and paste. I share FIRST HAND knowledge from FIRST HAND experience and no nuts tells me I don't know what I'm talking about and puts up these links.... Really? Links?
I had posted a reply putting them in their place... guess I screwed up and didn't actually post it.
I ain't re typing it. Could care less how Forbin thinks - if they think.
Autism is on the rise.... but a big chunk of that is from misdiagnosis. Meaning a lot of people called Autistic really aren't. It's amazing that most of that chunk are boys that didn't get that diagnosis until after starting school and showing some sort of problem whether behavior or academic. They slap that label on the kids and pump em full of dope. I've SEEN it (yes SEEN it Forbin, not read about it) a bunch of times. I also help take care of my best friend's "kid" who really IS autistic. Yeah. He's 24. He got his from genetics. Not from making a bad grade or throwing a tantrum in class. WE are also friends with a family whose Mother and Daughter are autistic. Females with autism, legitimate autism, is rare. It seems to favor males. Don't go out to east with these folks. And if you do, don't go to a favorite restaurant.
Their, the mother's idiosyncrasies usually drives wait staff up the wall. And they usually don't realize it's Autism. They seem to think that they are just @sshole customers.
Now if these vaccines were the main culprit, then the autistic population would be a whole lot more than what it is, don't you think. Forget all the stupid links. most of those are agenda based anyhow. Use common sense. That many immunizations, all over the damned planet and only THAT many cases of Autism? That number should be higher. A lot higher. Wouldn't you think so?
Polynesian huh? Ever see a move called "The Brother from Another Planet"?
If I ever get down that way, maybe you can teach me how to'll get me off your couch.
.... Cheney? Uh.... you do know it's 2016 and that Haliburton is hemorrhaging employees like a hemophiliac into cutting, don't you?
LOL I knoew this dude. He came from Lebanon. He's our age and he grew up in that place in the 70's and 80's. His parents got up money and go him out of there before he became a statistic. Yeah, they wanted him to be someplace safe.... so they send him to Texas to live with relatives. Yeah too bad the relatives live in vatoland. He fit right in. You know, he even had a 64 super sport impala. Yeah. He used to ride around on this dinky little scooter. I don't know where he kept it, but he had this sawed off shot gun hid on the thing. This was before concealed carry and all that. It actually used to be illegal to carry a gun in Texas for a short time. Glad we finally ran off those damned liberals...
For a while, we were neighbors in these apartments. One Friday, when I was coming home from work I see all these cop cars in the apartments....So he's at the store down the street and going home. some weird assed drunk guy was walking down the road and decided to mess with him. In Texas, people that ride scooters aren't given respect by anyone. Even idiots too drunk to be allowed to drive. As a biker, I personally think of scooters as slow moving death traps, no disrespect, just wonder why not get something safer?
Anyways he's coming home and this drunk guy messes with him as he rides by. Well he flips the drunk off and continues home, about a block or two away. After he parks his scooter and gets to his door, there's the drunk guy, almost in his face. He's threatening to F*ck him up. Our Lebanese vatoloco has his shot gun, so he's not the one in trouble here. Well he takes the gun and makes sure this intoxicated moron knows he has it. and tells him to leave him alone. Yeah. that worked. So then he points it right at the dude's head. Still no effect. so he puts it off to the side and fires. He told me he wanted the drunk guy to feel it whiz by and he's a pretty good shot. Where we lived was the border between two gangs. There was... border tensions that week and the place was already crawling with police so they so up all at once after hearing the gunshot. I didn't hear the shot myself. Hey it was the nineties! I was stoned with Alice in Chains on too loud! but I saw all the police swarming the place and what I saw next was even more bizarre. I'm pulling into the parking lot full of cops and they and my friend (shotgun disappeared and cop story slightly altered) all have this dumb look on their faces and there's this totally drunk guy doing cartwheels.... I miss the good ol days. That day? Not so much.
I like Lebanese food. Had some a couple a nights ago.
Racer X.... first off "Indians" are Caucasoids. Like you white boy.
Second.... I figure that movie is twisted and slanted like every other documentary out there. There's not really such a thing as objectivity anymore.
But Autism.....
YOu know up until my kids were born, in the Early nineties, You never really heard of Autism. As a parent you had about the same chance of having an autistic child as you did .... conjoined twins? It was really really really rare. Then virtually overnight that changed. It seemed like every other birth was autistic.
One of the problems that film blatantly disregards in order to promote it's anti-pharm agenda is probably one of the biggest reasons for the "autism explosion" is mis-diagnosis. It's become a blanket, one size fits all over diagnosis.
Having experience in dealing with autism, I find that about 60% of the people that I know diagnosed with some sort of Autism, aren't autistic at all.
They now use that label to cover everything from mild retardation, to hyperactive kids to... well Brats.
Like my co-worker's stepson. I dunno why he married this chick. She was a single mom that spoiled her son to death. He became a spoiled, self entitled brat - lol Like most millenials are...
Seriously, the kid is dummer than a sack of hammers and a brat too.
Well instead of getting what he really needed, an ass whipping, mom decides the reason her kid is off must be a medical reason. So Presto! the right amount of money, the low enough standards from the right doctor and instead of a little incorrigible sh!t, you have the next Rain Man.
I have never ever seen an autistic child play school sports, play in the school band and drive a car. Never. And especially all three at once.
Yet this kid does.... he doesn't do his school work either. He also does all sorts of other things that most autistic children don't do. It's kin of hard to explain. If you knew some one with autism and then saw this kid, you wouldn't think he was that way.
Yeah the movie claims that the autism is produced from chemicals used in immunizations. If I'm not mistaken, measles vaccine in particular.
I'm thinking with all the resources big pharm has, if they had a potentially devastating product as autistic causing vaccines, they'd get rid of it and replace it with something else, which is one of the things they did with most vaccines in the first place. They wouldn't risk losing all and being brought down by whistle blowers. YOu may be able to beat that sort of thing in court, but you always lose to word of mouth. So. yeah, I find it hard to believe big pharm would allow a screw-up like that go on for very long. Even though they are the same great folks that brought us lunesta and zoloft and created the dreaded disease, shift-worker's syndrome, I'm thinking there are a lot more factors to be examined to explain the autistic revolution going on.
By the way, you never responded to my criticisms of Bernie Sanders.
Why do you think so many Americans are sick of Syria and really would rather let it be Putin's baby? When you fund a guerilla war, you fund ONE faction and support it. Especially in a civil war like this one. You're going off about Israel.... And BMX was describing the Golan Heights.
That's who I find a little interesting are the folks in that area. The Druse. Israel should use them to take over all the Golan heights and the area north of it and make it Israel. See when everyone talks about Israel - they limit everything to it being Jewish. It's not. It's Jewish dominated. Know how many redneck Christian zionists had a near heart attack when they found out about Islamic Generals in the "Jewish" army?
The Kurds...They're "our muslims"....Til they go back to honor killing once this is all over.
I'm in the crowd that thinks we should get the hell away from there.
Unfortunately we are pretty much owned by the Israelis and the Saudis.
So we're kinda stuck being overly involved there.
There's really no real shady conspiracy of oligarchs like you've been led to believe. It's just common sense politics and economics turned into one hell of a high stakes poker game. all that big brother corporate mumbo-jumbo? A system that entrenched in short-sighted greed could've never attained such heights to be able to accomplish all that. Too many underlings on the ladder yanking the ones above off and teh ones below them doing it to them. How COULD the powers that be focus on anything more than their own survival in an environment like that. YOu should really be wondering why YOUR country is throwing sex toys at it's leaders. And what can you do to fix things there instead worrying about what some thirty something that lives with his parents in Indiana is posting on the internet about Walmart's plan for world domination and trying to build things up from there.
As far as refugees ans asylum seekers goes? There's a whole planet out there for them to go to. Instead of them going to Euroland like now, send them to Third world countries. Places where these people's skills can be needed and utilized instead of places where they become economic competitors on the job market for the host nationals.
How many of those people we see running around in southern Europe are actually Engineers or financial or medical professionals? How many are highly skilled laborers?
If it were me. Like if I was telecommunication engineer tired of getting shot at, I'd much rather go to Guyana where there's a future as long as I pursue it as opposed to Austria, where I'd be lucky just to get assistance and if I'm really lucky, a job interview.
Doesn't that make more sense than the current nonsense?
LOL Yeah... right after RIGHT after I posted this, I thought "google Earth" .... I do that with other places, don't know why I didn't think about that for Rockingham too. I figured the layout was accurate anyways, more curious about the amount of layouts though and wasn't sure how to find that out though.
S3.... Rockingham. I really don't have anything TO whine about, but I promise to make something up at the end of the post. I'm really just really curious about the track and had a stupid question to ask about it.
Rockingham. So if I was in an aircraft and was flying directly above the place, it would look like the map in the start-up screen? I'm sure it does. If you're going to the trouble to laser scan a track, then make it accurate as possible. So what I'm wondering is all those configurations that come with the game version of rockingham. Is that how that's really done? They have that many various races on different layouts within the oval? I know most oval race tracks have two or three. Like Daytona. Talladega has several different tracks on the properties besides the Oval. But eleven different configurations? Do they actually race on all those? LOL Never thought that Oval racing would be that popular on the other side of the Atlantic. Thanks to LFS in particular, I thought people in the UK like to see their race cars turn right once in a while. But I dunno, if the Real Rockingham is like the game, then you really have to appreciate it's genius of design.
Yeah.... Whine...OK
Uh ... You know for shelling out SEVENTEEN WHOLE DOLLARS OF HARD EARNED MONEY! You'd think they could'a thrown in trailer racing. Yeah. With the Scirocko! I mean really. You know how far that seventeen dollars and change goes at taco bell? Eleven tracks... Yeah, I coulda saw Batman Vs Superman - a REAL classic....
Sanders.... He sucks the least. That's about the most I can say for the guy.
Bad points? I don't see him having a strong presence as far as foreign affairs goes.
Every major player on the world stage will try him out.
15 dollar minimum wage. That has got to be the dumbest idea those liberals have thrown out so far.
Have any idea what that would do to the economy here? What about right to work states with a lower standard of living than the unionize state? The only people that benefit from that are corporations and big business in general.
It would kill of all their small business competitors and give them all the justification they need to stop giving raises and get rid of employee benefits. No one seem to think about those nasty little factors.
Besides, just what good is have a minimum wage at 15 dollars an hour when it keeps people from hiring?
Where I live, $15 an hour is pretty good pay. You can buy a house and take international vacations on that pay scale. I know, cause I do that. Jump minimum wage up to 15, and that all goes out the window, It'll be back to living paycheck to paycheck and paying utilities based on which one has the soonest cut notice.
Gun laws. You left that one out. Gotta love those stupid liberals.... This guy wants to "end" the war on drugs the government created and replace it with the war on guns.
Illegal drugs gave rise to unregulated expansion and made goat ropers in Mexico some of the most powerful people on the planet. All the liberals really want to do is replace drugs with guns. And so will those goat ropers. The left don't think about that. Or they are stupid enough to deny that fact. Making laws against something with a strong demand won't make it go away. It just goes underground. And something like firearms? I would rather the gun nuts fill out all the paperwork at Ammunation than the alternative.
Besides, why do they want to go against the will of the people on that? Know how many guns got sold after those idiots shot up San Bernadino, California?
And taxing the rich... What they really mean is punish success. What will be the incentive to do something if all you get is hit with a big tax bill? Also, have you noticed that all of the big people in the liberal arena here are super rich? They'll be sure to make little loop holes that let's them keep their money. It's all the rising entrepreneurs that will feel the effects from that. And again less incentive to expand (meaning no new jobs created).
These things are cool. No way I'd shell out what they want for it, but Man! I haven't tried LFS, but I have played a racing game. Roller Coaster sims. That is insane. If any of you get one of these things, try to watch a roller coaster sim standing up. Think of what you could do with one of these gadgets and hypnosis.
You wanna know something? I talk more about the American Presidential election with you than I do anyone else. And when I do get involved in a discussion, it's usually with a semi-Cruz supporter that actually what they call a low information voter. They, like me probably won't even bother to vote to begin with. I hear in Australia you can go to jail if you don't vote. LOL Atom Ant said I should move. Well can't go there. I'd be writing in Charles Manson for every position just on principle. Why bother to vote If you don't like any of them running? The only one I'd consider at this stage won't get the nomination anyways. That's that Denmark wannabe Sanders. The moment he described himself as a Socialist gave him the same results with mainstrweam America as What Trump did when he came up with the wall nonsense. Still trying to figure out how that Wall will be built and how Mexico will be so willing to pay for said wall. My daughter-in-law has family in Matamoros and Reynosa Mexico. WE also have friends and family all along the Rio Grande, on both sides of the border and in Monterrey and Jalisco state too. Jalisco's (Guadalajara) Mexican food is ALMOST as good as Houston's. Also, being Houston we have a lot of Muslims here. A lot of them are @ssholes, but not suicide bombers. And of course it's real hard to have a bad feeling about Muslims when one of our best citizens, former NBA star Hakeem Olajuwon is one himself. He actually lives in Jordan now but has all sorts of ties here still. I sorta knew one of his brothers and he gave a friend of mine two autographed basketballs. That's an interesting person. Yeah, believe it or not, most Americans know the difference between a Muslim and a psycho quoting Koran verses to justify their stupidity. The media just doesn't like to show that.
So no. We're not going to be Trump supporters when he gets the nomination. And since English is a second language for most of my area? They're going to go with Clinton. I see her making a big dent in Texas. The attitudes on immigration from the Republicans took care of that. Cruz? LOL I'm from Texas and have posted what I think about him. The only people that really support him are die hard republicans who don't have a choice and the ever shrinking base of social/religious conservatives. And then there's. Hillary Clinton. Won't vote for her. I dunno though she might just win Texas, no matter how hunch she's disliked here.
So instead of using my vote to vote against a candidate, which is what most Americans do anyways, why vote for either when the choices seem equally bad?
...Think I'm gonna skip work today....
YOu know there is something happening here that no one is talking about. We, the US seem to be moving towards a sort of organized anarchy. More and more of the population are ignoring the government. It's why we'll never succeed with a Denmark style government. We HATE regulations. Our government is continually trying to over regulate things. Not because of the "Evil Empire" but because of gross incompetence. YOu have a complaint about something, no matter how ridiculous, and some legislator or congressman or whoever is up making a law about it - without even researching anything. Just based on a crazy complaint. When they do that, guess what happens? We ignore it. So if it was a potentially bad thing before regulation, it becomes that bad thing afterwards.
Not Pot, or synthetic marijuana is a perfect example. When it was "legal", it actually was weird plant types picked for their properties and enhanced with synthetic THC (JWH compounds) A few idiots smoked it too much and freaked out and wound up in emergency rooms. Because of that, the stuff is now illegal here. And instead of a purified product and any development towards making it better, it is now who knows what sprayed over lawn clippings and of course it's use has expanded since the illegal dope trade knows a lot about marketing products.
And the really funny part? You'll like this. unlike Coke, Heroin and traditional narcotics, the main money makers from not pot aren't cartels or gangs. Nope. The main money makers are everyone's favorite - Islamic terrorists. They didn't have that source of income when it was legal. And now we have all sorts of idiots whacked on this crap. No. Not stupid high school kids. But people that have to contend with random drug screening. It doesn't show up in any tests - so it's a big hit with plant workers, transportation workers and any other occupation where they like to sniff your pee pee.
Wow. I didn't know the little deviant was threatening the whole damned planet too. Then again what do you expect from someone that has a School Shooter's haircut?
LOLOLOL You're probably on to something there. But it's a bit more worse than a couple of rigged machines. Welcome to the world of Chicago politics. Been that way since before Capone. The Democrat party Owns Cook county and Chicago metropolitan area and has a solid history of corruption. It's a amazing they don't still have ward healers standing outside the polling places with bats. But again, why would the people rigging the machines, obviously HRC supporters, have to resort to that in those particular areas, when it's all in the bag for her anyways?
And Utah and Cruz? C'mon. Learn Mormonism! Romney endorsed Cruz. That's almost like I dunno... a Cardinal or a talk show host endorsing a candidate. And as a matter of principle the religious right are in behind Cruz as a whole. There are some evangelicals (protestants) backing Trump, but .... Lord knows why...
There's probably going to be more little instances of alleged and outright voter fraud as this election cycle plays out.
I dunno. there's bound to be some actions by idiots this campaign. looks whose all involved.
You know everyone outside the US tells me they like the system we have because it's so open. WHere people like you can find crap to criticize it, and it's all taken in stride.
Yeah? I dunno. At least the N. Koreans don't have this kind of embarrassing melodrama. Yeah, they may not have any freedom or rights and the may be living on a thread, but no one from New Zealand gives them a hard time about how stupid their government is.
66% of the people huh.... Look at how many believe in ghosts, UFO's and that Elvis is still alive.
Also, the poll is vague very vague as to what exactly it is that these pollsters think are messed up.
What some of that number may feel is totally messed up, other are fine with and dis-like something that the other think is fine.
My beef isn't with the election process - vote wise. I understand the mechanics and see that weighing in all the pros and cons, it's the best way we can do this.
My problem is gerrymandering of districts. That right there pretty much kills off rigged voting machine conspiracies. Why bother if the district is already rigged to begin with? They get the courts to redefine or create congressional districts. And it's done in a way to insure party votes from that district.
Like say the republicans want to have more congressmen in the house. Instead of coming up with quality candidates that should be able to just get more votes on merit over his opponent, they re-shape the district to where the major demographic is now republican voters. Thus giving them an additional seat in congress and only having to use a moron as a candidate. The votes come automatically.
Most of those 66% polled fail to realize this. And they equally fail to realize that many of themselves actually support this gerrymandering because they think it benefits them. They don't realize that that is the main source of our political processing problems.
Yeah notice how that works - no candidate with any real issues runs anymore. Who wants that anyways? Nope. Now it's just some clown spouting off buzz phrases. All that matters is if they have a "D" or and "R" in front of their names and the ratio of "D's" and "R's" in their particular district is in their favor.
Too many of one letter? Don't resort to compromise and inclusion to get their support, just re-draw the damned district boundaries so more of the desired letter group is in it.
.... Look at Cruz. He's lucky to be able to have the wife he's got. I would imagine prostitutes would triple their rates for his business. He's just CREEPY. Breitbart.... You should look into them more. Especially an incident concerning one of their (former) reporters at a Trump rally and the aftermath from it.
National Enquirer? Name a tabloid owner whose a good friend of a republican presidential candidate that isn't Cruz?
But wouldn't it be funny as hell if it was true?
"In other news"... Bernie Sanders admits to having sex - 15 years ago - he thinks.
Oh and the "vote gate" in Arizona" Yeah. honest mistake by dishonest people and handled badly by incompetent people. Who the hell knew there were that many democrats in Arizona? Ever been there? Even the DNC underestimated that number. That wasn't done on purpose. HR Clinton had that state already.
Oh please. Do try and stay relevant. Voting Machines? YOu do realize all that was pretty much debunked about an hour and a half before everyone forgot who Al Gore was, don't you?
Besides, why go to all that trouble and risk getting caught when you can just gerrymander districts to get the votes you want? It's cheaper, easier and perfectly legal.
The election process.... Where do you find this crap? I didn't know there were that many "journalists" living at home, finding stuff to make up murky connections with.
Anyways. Uh no. In Presidential elections, technically the average person's vote doesn't really have an effect. Technically. the popular vote is what's used to determine the electoral vote, but technically, the electorate doesn't have to follow along with the popular vote. They also don't have to get re-elected either.
And what you are getting things confused with actual voting for candidates is the machinery of the actual political parties themselves. And again, if you're not a registered voter for that party, you don't get to vote in their primaries. So you have no real "vote" for president If say the guy you liked loses out on the nomination process. Of the two parties, I don't know the exact workings of the Democratic party selection process. I do know it's more machine like. It's how Hillary Clinton already wins the nomination, no matter how many states Bernie wins in primaries and caucuses. Also for a party that claims to be for transparency, they most certainly are not when it comes to in-house politics.
But the republicans? I know a little about how they operate. The brokered conventions that you seem to think is the grip of the evil empire....
If and this is a big if, there is no clear delegate majority between the hopefuls, then they can opt for a brokered convention. Where it's a free for all for the delegate votes. This has always been in the party playbook. The reason it's done, if it has to be is time. There's simply not enough time to redo all the primaries in time for the actual election. This happened before in 1976, After Nixon and watergate, the republican party was dead in the water. There wasn't enough interest from traditional GOP party members, much less independents to even make much of a difference in the primaries. The delegates were free to (not that anyone cared) vote for Ford to just continue running as a somewhat incumbent so the party could focus more on what it needed - damage control.
But, and you should be more interested in this instead of all that half-baked stuff. What will happen if the GOP decides to have this brokered convention, the results will be disastrous for them. The backlash would be almost if not completely fatal to the party.
There are more radical elements of the party, not Trump supporters either that are vowing drastic reactions if a brokered convention occurs. And most of those delegates will have to worry about a backlash to their own positions should that happen. But the actual splintering of the party. I'd think you'd be way m more into that instead of some old voting machine story. There's all sorts of crazy things that the GOP break up will lead to. I know the democrats are beside themselves because of this, but if this leads to a single party monopoly, it won't be good.
And forget about who the republican candidates are. Like you've pointed out look at the other side. Hillary, if not deliberately criminal, it's at least a shining example of gross incompetence.... What President will she make? 45? 44? That Damned Grover Cleveland!
I dunno.... What we've gotten stuck with in the US Presidential election is an embarrassment. It really is. But the rest of the world really can't say much. look at their leaders and their policies... But mind you, this is just the political end of things. The actual people in all our nations ain't so bad on average. We just have a bad habit of putting stupid people in power throughout our histories here and there. For every Obama, there's a Sarkozy. For every Mitterand, there's a Thatcher. For every Thatcher there's a ....Fujimora.
So what we ought to do is treat political leaders tha same way we do Pro Sports Athletes and Heavy metal musicians. Keep them around for a few seasons then trade them with some other country for somebody else. Or get rid of them because of "creative differences" and add a new MP to the line-up. You know something like that.
In order for your "vote" to count in the primaries or caucuses, you have to be a registered member of the political party holding the primary.
I don't vote in the primaries. Neither do most other Americans. Most of us are independents, meaning we're stuck with whatever clown the parties leave for us to pick. What really sucks is both parties have taken such an extreme, that the majority in the middle really isn't being represented. Like I've said before, I tend to be conservative. According to the system that means I'm supposed to vote republican. Yeah right. I don't care what people do in their bedrooms, I want my roads fixed. And they've got all sorts of nut cases like people that think school shootings are God's punishment for teaching evolution. These whackos are about three shades away from the Taliban in mindset. How Could I feel a connection to a party full of that? Democrats? Yeah. They suck too. Remember it was their wanting to prove a case for gun grabbing, they allowed thousands of guns to get sold to the Mexican cartels. And how does wanting to put measures in place banning free speech be liberal anyways? Even that rare liberal that's been blessed with common sense has a hard time dealing with those clowns. So. Does it really matter if our vote counts? Look at what we have to vote for to begin with.
"She really merits a thread just on her, But here's just a few facts, REMEMBER, SHE REFUSES TO PROSECUTE HILLARY !!!!!
WILL prosecute people who disagree with 'Climate Change'"
LOL figures you would catch that one.
Oh and watch for a bunch of heads to roll once she gets elected.
Rubio... He went into the election with no money. He hasn't really got much of his own money. He pretty much lost everything.
No. he's right. That's why Sanders and Trump and to a lesser extent Ted Cruz have the support they have. They aren't "establishment" politicians and our establishment politicians have become stagnated and for the most part, out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent.
Like I'm a conservative. What the hell do I care about two homos getting married? That's not any of my business - or the government's. How about finding ways to rebuild the infrastructure instead? Maybe if Trump would use all that imaginary money on building some stupid wall that won't work, he could propose using that cash to repair and maintain all those bridges and dams we built 100 years ago?